Shutterdown Lakshya
Starting Price 210000
Shutterdown Lakshya
[email protected]
Office Address
1416, First Floor,
Sector � 46, Gurugram � 122003
About Shutterdown Lakshya
About Shutterdown Lakshya Chawla Shutterdown is a wedding photography company founded by Lakshya Chawla. Their team, based at NCR Delhi, goes above and beyond to organize weddings to the best of their ability. They are the best choice for weddings all over India. The team is excellent at using the camera, capturing the emotional moments between the bride and groom, as well as their families. Completing the job ensures they only use the best tools and techniques common in the business.
They also know how to shoot different types of videos, be they wedding movies or teasers, they are sure to entertain the whole family. Shutterdown is widely regarded as one of the best wedding photographers in the country. Moreover, they are also referred to as �Wedding Workshop Specialists�.
They have hosted weddings in popular destinations in India such as Udaipur, Goa and Jodhpur, as well as international weddings in Kenya, Tanzania and Hong Kong.
Taking Photos Warm Wedding Photography Traditional Photography Wedding Videos Save Videos DateTeasers ... and More WorkstyleShutterdown prides itself on its quirky photography style, the vibrant colors used in its photographs. Give your full attention to each project and be satisfied with the end result. Good reviews from previous customers support this claim.
Rest assured that Shutterdown is an unforgettable experience whether you are planning to book for a wedding at NCR Delhi or for a wedding anywhere in the world.
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